Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 10 - The prom I never had

This is my text picture. If you can't read it it says on the bottom "the dress i would have worn to prom" and on the side it says to continue the topic " I would have worn the pink dress in the color blue" I took a picture of thses dresses at the store and wanted to add text to them to tell the story how if I had been able to have gone to my prom when I was in high school I would have worn the pink dress but in that pretty baby blue color.

Week 10- Clone Stamp

The above picture is the original and the picture below is my clone edited version. I cloned my cats toy mouse. I also had to darken the carpet a little to blend it better. I tried the best i could to blend it well. I think it looks ok for the most part...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 9- Filters

The photo below is untouched and the photo above I used the sharpen edges filter. I played around with the different types of filters for a bit before I decided I liked this one. I also darkened him a little bit with the dodge and burn tools that we learned. This has been a lot of fun... This is Lincoln. He got his name because he was born on Abe Lincoln's birthday. He's my friends cat. He's wicked chill and he loves to sleep.

Week 9 - Dodge and Burn

The above picture is the original without adding the dodge and burn. This is my friend Jake. He plays the drums and is very good. He has been in many bands including his dads band "Intercept". The photo below is edited. I darkened the background behind him to make it so that he stood out more in the photo. I lightened the drum and the cymbals and his face and arms. I also lightened the drumsticks a bit. I like how it makes it look kinda like he is glowing in a way. Plus, now you can see his arm whereas before the editing you couldn't really see where it is because it blended in.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Photoshop wk-8 Color & Light Adjustments

So the above picture is the picture I chose for my second picture. This is actually a very old picture of me with a musician of a band that I really like. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to have met a person that I look up to. I have met many people I thought I would never meet but I was proved otherwise and I'm thankful for that. His name is Jason (Jay) James and he is very nice and wicked funny.

This is my PS version of the same picture. I had to modify this thing A LOT to make it look like this. I played around with a bunch of the tools to see what it would do. I know we are only on color and stuff but I couldn't help myself. This program is getting to be so much fun now that I'm getting the hang of it. I added exposure, brightness and contrast, levels, then more brightness and contrast, and then hue/saturation, and vibrance and then more exposure. So there was a few different things I did to this photo to make it look like this. I also had to resize the picture quite a bit. It was at about 150 px's and then I changed it to 400 I believe. I was trying to make the picture a little bit bigger but after doing that I noticed that it made the photo blurry. I didn't know what to do from there.... Looks ok though.

Photo # 1 for the assignment.....
This is my photoshop version of the same picture. (as seen below) I changed the contrast and brightness. I messed around with the colors big time. I kept tweaking with the tools and trying to learn what each of them do while figuring out how to get this photo blue without his skin deep red or orange. It took me a bit to get it but I think it came out really good in the end. For the most part this is what I was going for. I also messed with the hue and saturation. That did the finishing touch. Just what I intened to do.

This is my original picture that I took with the lights from the spot light on the stage without using flash or anything. I did zoom in quite a bit when taking the photo. This is a picture of my favorite singer in the world. His name is Phil and he is good!

Photoshop wk- 7

So this is my first photoshop experiance ever. I kinda made my picture really small. Sorry as I said it's my first experiance. I liked messing with my pictures in ways I never knew I could. This is a picture I had to edit a lot. I cropped, and cut and messed with the color. I like the lighting from the spot lights though. I hightened it a little to make it look a little more intence. I took this picture in a dark show room. This is what I like to do in my free time. I actually have a lot of pictures I have taken at show's like this. It's of bands I know most of you have probably never heard of. I wasn't allowed to use my flash in this place so I'm surprised that my pictures I have came out as good as they did. The floor as they call it, is full of "metal-heads" aka- a bunch of crazy cool people who like to listen to heavy music and just have a good time. There was a band on stage but you can't really see them in this photo. I do however, have some awesome pictures of the bands that came out great that I will be using at a later date. The little picture I put in the right top corner as my layer on top is a sign of the festival on the outside of the building. They have these festivals every year in the spring in the city of Worcester, MA at a very old building that don't even have blueprints (as I've heard) it's called the Palladium. Pretty cool heh :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Landscapes slideshow on way to NC

So I decided to use my picture's I took while riding down to North Carolina. There were many different picture's I missed out on due to the weather in the city area and what not but I got some really nice shot's of the sun and the southern sky the more south we went. In the beginning i used the kids and pets setting on my camera which is the best way to get motion shot's. Don't think they came out to bad. Then the later and clearer it got I tried using the landscapes setting. I think I didn't do to bad considering how fast we were going on the interstate and the windows were dirty and rolled-up. My favorite is the one of the sun setting over the horizon on the interstate where you can see all the cars on the road. There is just something about the way that photo came out to me that just screamed beauty! The taillights were on so i wanna say it was about 6-7pm or so down there. It was really cool to just watch the rain and the wintry mix vanish and the sunlight appear. It was nice to see no snow for the little bit that I did. I mean, I was sick so I didn't get to spend much time outside. I didn't do to well on that last picture but it was because we were going to fast for it to come out good I still like the colors of the clouds though. lol

I plan to start taking more picture's of outside when I'm back to full health so I will be adding to the landscape pics because I want to add some from my home land right here in VT.